Privacy, Copyright & Terms & Conditions
Site Terms

By accessing this website you agree to be bound by these Terms & conditions ("terms"), please read them carefully. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms you should not access or view this website.
  • The information contained in this website is intended for general information purposes only. White Land Foundation has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information on this website is accurate at the time of inclusion; however there may be inaccuracies and occasional errors for which White Land Foundation apologizes.

  • White Land Foundation makes no representations or warranties about the information provided through this website, including any hypertext links to any website or other items used either directly or indirectly from this website. White Land Foundation accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in this website and any decisions based on information contained in this website are the sole responsibility of the visitor.

  • The information and images contained within this website are ©Copyright White Land Foundation. We permit you to make copies of this website as necessary incidental acts during your viewing of it; and you may take a print for your personal use of so much of the site as is reasonable for private purposes. You may not frame this site nor link to a page other than the home page without our express permission in writing.

  • You shall not use this website for any illegal purposes and in particular agree that you shall not send, use, copy, post or allow any posting which is defamatory or obscene within the meaning of prevalent and prescribed laws of Lebanon, or which is abusive, indecent or in breach of the privacy of any person. You agree not to send any unsolicited promotional or advertising material, spam or similar materials or any volume messages that may interfere with the operation of this website or with the enjoyment of this website by other visitors.

  • White Land Foundation reserves the right at any time and without notice to enhance, modify, alter, suspend or permanently discontinue all or any part of this website and to restrict or prohibit access to it.

  • You hereby agree to indemnify White Land Foundation against any costs, claims, losses and damages (including legal fees) incurred by or awarded against White Land Foundation as a result of your misuse of this website or your breach of these terms.
  • If you are in breach of these terms or of White Land Foundation’s Privacy Policy White Land Foundation may as its option, suspend or block your access to this website and refuse to provide you with any further access to it.

  • This website is provided to you free of charge, and White Land Foundation does not accept any liability to you. White Land Foundation accepts no liability for any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages, or any other damages of whatsoever kind resulting from whatever cause through the use of any information obtained either directly or indirectly from this website. Your sole remedy is to discontinue using this website.

  • These terms may be amended by White Land Foundation from time to time.

  • Your use of this website and downloads from it, and the operation of these terms & conditions, shall be governed in accordance with the laws of Lebanon. The Lebanese courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of your use of this website. In the event that any part of the terms contained in these terms & conditions shall be determined by any competent authority to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, such term shall to that extent be severed from the remaining terms which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Privacy Policy

White Land Foundation respects the privacy of visitors and users of this website, and will only collect personally identifiable data, such as your name or email address, when it is voluntarily submitted to us at this website. Any questions or enquiries which you have in relation to White Land Foundation should be addressed to:
OMT Bldg, 5th Floor
266-Sami Solh Avenue, Museum
Beirut 2409-116, Lebanon

Tel: +961 1 391 390
Fax: +961 1 391 491

White Land Foundation Internet Privacy Policy

This website is provided by White Land Foundation. We take very seriously the privacy of our website users and the security of their personal information. For your convenience, this website contains links to a number of other websites, outside White Land Foundation’s site. The privacy policies and procedures described here do not apply to those sites; we suggest contacting those sites directly for information on their data collection and distribution policies.
The purpose of this privacy policy is to set out the principles governing our use of personal information that we may obtain about you. By using the websites, or by registering as a user of the services that we provide, you agree to this use. We ask you to read this privacy policy carefully. Any dispute which may arise over privacy will be subject to this policy, the data protection notice (if any) incorporated into this website and the provisions of Lebanese law. We may change our privacy policy from time to time. We therefore ask you to check it occasionally to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version that will apply each time you access this website.
  • Personal information collection and use
    White Land Foundation will only collect personally identifiable data, such as your name or email address, when it is voluntarily submitted to us at this website. White Land Foundation and the companies we hire will use this information to comply with your request for information or as otherwise disclosed to you when you submit your information. From time to time, we may refer to that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our work. We may use that information to contact you. We will not otherwise transfer the personally identifiable information you provide at this website to any third party unless otherwise disclosed to you.

  • Non-personal information collection and use
    In common with many organizations we monitor the use of this website by collecting aggregate information. We may automatically collect non-personal information about you such as the type of internet browsers you use, the pages you visit or the website which directed you to our site. You cannot be identified from this information and it is used only to assist us in providing an effective service on this website.

  • Use of cookies
    Cookies are small files which are sent to your web browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. This website uses 'session cookies' - temporary cookies that remain in your browser until you leave the website. These allow you to carry information across our site without having to re-enter it; it also enables us to analyze web traffic and improve our online services. They cannot be used to identify you. You may set your web browser to notify you of cookie placement requests or to decline cookies completely. You can delete the files that contain cookies; those files are stored as part of your internet browser.

  • Under 13 year olds
    This website is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from or about any person under the age of 13. If you are under 13 years old and wish to ask a question or use this site in any way which requires you to submit your personal information, please get your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf.

  • Security of your personal data
    We have implemented technologies and policies with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorized access and improper use and will update these measures as appropriate as new technologies become available.

  • Who is responsible for personal information collected on this site?
    If you have any questions about White Land Foundation's privacy policy, please email our Internet Editor, who controls the personal data collected on this website.
February 2013: Fall 2012 Classes Graduation White Land Foundation graduates the 7 classes of Fall 2012.
December 2012: WLF 2012 Kids Christmas Events WLF celebrated Christmas with more than 1,500 Kids.
December 2012: Christmas with SOS Sfaray Kids WLF with SOS Village Kids on Christmas
September 2012: WLF Art Exhibition Art Exhibition in Lebaa for handcrafts made by WLF trainees.
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